
Principal's February Update

February 22, 2022

Watching the Olympics is always one of my favourite highlights.  Not just the winning, but the efforts and sacrifice of athletes to pursue a dream that only comes around once every four years, and putting it all on the line for as little as two minutes.  I watched every Canadian athlete who earned a medal, and the joy of doing it together. But the most poignant moment of the Winter Olympics for me was the 15 km cross country ski race.  Finnish athlete Iivo Niskanen won gold in the event; but what made his medal even more meaningful was what he did after crossing the finish line…long after. Niskenen waited another 20 minutes for every one of the 94 athletes he beat to cross the finish line, including Carlos Quintana of Colombia, who finished dead last. He commented, “ everyone has done lots of work to be here, and it means a lot to get across the finish line.” 

As we sit on the verge of returning home to our Upper Sumas Campus, let’s remember the work that has been done by everyone these past four months to get us across the finish line. Families, school staff, strangers and friends, district support, facilities and outside crews who worked long hours to get our students back in school as soon as possible. We are almost at the line that was interrupted by Covid, by flood, by displacement, and only now will we appreciate what it means to get across that finish line.  

Return to Upper Sumas! 

Our official return for students to Upper Sumas is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, March 29, the day after the end of Spring Break. All flooring, painting and reconstruction work continues on schedule, and we should be packing up and moving out of the Pine St. Campus at Spring Break.  As before, staff will need a day to unpack and reorganize their classrooms, and it will take time for our school and students to settle back into regular routines. School times and bussing schedules will be announced closer to our moving date, but we expect it will be similar to our schedule from the beginning of the year. 

Covid Safety Protocols 

Just a reminder that while local news reports continue to show an easing of Covid-19 exposures in the Fraser Valley, and a subsequent phased easing of restrictions planned, schools operate under the Provincial Covid-19 safety protocols for K-12 students.  That means that while you may be able to eat at restaurants at full capacity soon, there may still be restrictions on school buildings.  Please remember to continue to complete daily health checks with your child, and keep them at home if they have Covid-related symptoms.  Our office continues to be open by appointment, so please call ahead (604-852-3900). 

Parent Teacher Meetings & Bookings 

Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled this Spring for May 8 and May 9.  A link will be emailed to families this week to allow you to book a time with your child’s teacher.  Due to current Ministry of Education K-12 Safety protocols, all meetings will be held virtually…we will let you know if that changes. 

Early Dismissal Days 

May 8 & 9 are Early dismissal days, to allow for Parent-Teacher Conferences.  As we are a bussing school, all students will be dismissed at 12:30 pm, and should arrive 2.5 hours earlier than their regular drop off time, eg. a 4 pm drop off is now 1:30 pm. 

Report Cards 

Term 2 Report Cards are scheduled to be distributed on Friday March 11.  Please check your child’s backpack! 

Abby Chan