
Principal's Message for May

April 30, 2021

Last month it was announced that there will be a change in principalship at Upper Sumas Elementary for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year. It has been an absolute privilege and a joy to lead at Upper Sumas Elementary these past five years.  The years I have spent at Upper Sumas have been marked with many highlights and celebrations, as well as some sorrow. Our current grade 4 class started kindergarten my first year at Upper Sumas. Some of our current kindergarten students were just babies when I met them for the first time. It has been pretty amazing watching our students grow over the years. I am so excited for the bright futures that lay ahead of them. PAC Country Concerts, primary gymnastics month, transitioning from a K-7 to a K-5 school, Camp Squeah, renovating our library, Upper Sumas’ Christmas Store, celebrating Upper Sumas’ 100th anniversary, school spirit days, and annual talent show performances are just some of the many highlights that come to mind when I reflect on my time here. Last year we suffered the loss of dear students and the onset of a global pandemic. Through these devastating times the strength and support of our community truly shined. The caring and compassionate staff, students and families at Upper Sumas truly make this community a special one. The global pandemic continues to force us to change our usual routines and traditions. These last two months of school may not be typical, but they will still be memorable.  I look forward to our remaining days together.

Erica Hopkins